- New member: Naihui Wang
- 1st GACT Retreat in Blaubeuren
- Science and Innovation Days 2024
- HEAS talk in Vienna
- Partnership with ERC Synergy project „Last Neanderthals“
- Job Offer: Postdoc
- A new GACT member joined the project
- Day of the open cave at Hohle Fels
- Excavation in Sibhudu, South Africa
- Field trip to Blaubeuren and Schelklingen
- New Projects funded by GACT
- GACT Talk in Schelklingen
- 1st GACT-Workshop
- GACT PhD no. 3
- A new PhD joined our Team
- Recent GACT fieldwork
- GACT welcomes Postdoc Víctor Fernández Roces
- Cosimo Posth receives Manfred Fuchs Prize
- Visiting Researcher Program
- New Member in the GACT-Team
- GACT-Talk: Parasitism
- 1st visiting researcher in Tübingen
- Festakt GACT
- Our new website is online