Meret Häusler started her PhD in February under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cosimo Posth and Prof. Dr. Kay Nieselt at the GeoGenomic Archaeology Campus Tübingen (GACT) in cooperation with the Integrative Transcriptomics group, Institute for Bioinformatics and Medical Informatics (IBMI), University of Tübingen.
During her Bachelor’s in Cognitive Science, Meret became interested in (human) evolution, genetics, and the application of computer science methods. She later received her Master’s in Bioinformatics, focusing on metagenomic analyses and ancient genomics. In her PhD, she is part of the Microbes: Understanding cave sediments as microbiota archives project (RA 1) at the GACT. She focuses on developing bioinformatics methods for analysing ancient metagenomic data collected from sediment and cave samples.
New Member in the GACT-Team